Essays on Faith

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8 essay examples found

Bad Faith by Jean-Paul Sartre

Bad faith by Jean-Paul Sartre notes that human beings when they are under pressure act irrationally where they end up adopting false values by disowning their innate freedom due to the pressure of social forces. This is a close reflection of self-deception and resentment due to factors and conditions which an individual can not be […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1849

The Perils of Faith and The Development of Feudalism in The Early Middle Ages

Since the beginning of time, human beings have come across lightning, floods and the inevitable, death. Ancient humans, being as primitive as they were, could not come with rational explanations for these events. They created religion to explain the unexplainable. It started out with gods for lighting, then transitioned to more moral gods, like Zeus […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1454
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Life of Pi: The Lessons Learned of Pi’s Boundary-Breaking Faith

All around the world, everyone practices a religion of some kind. These religions range from Hinduism and Buddhism to Christianity and Judaism. There are some who don’t even know what to believe and are on their quest to discover the truth. Pi Patel, the protagonist of Life of Pi, finds himself on one such journey […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1321

Racial Hierarchical Slavery System: “12 Years a Slave”

Slavery has continuously been known to be one among the foremost surprising phenomena of our world, that by itself seems as associate unnatural event stimulating mixed of feelings from every heart. From the first historical type of exploitation, a slave was the personal property of the slave owners for a number of reasons and even […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1106

Death of a Salesman American Dream

This play is based on the background of American society after world war 2. It shows willy’s distress, struggle and despair before he committed suicide. This play make the audience think that he is a loser during his whole life. Because he is a failed salesman and a failed father. It can be said that […]

Pages: 2 Words: 605

Story of Propaganda

By 1500s, Christianity had immensely been developing in Europe. Therefore, Baroque religious arts played a key role in spreading the power of the Catholic Church for propagandistic purposes. Besides, the Catholic Church embraced the religious power of art to appeal piety and devotion. As a result, the role of the Pope was reinforced as the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 924

What Religion Says About Euthanasia

In Indian philosophy and rituals there has been given a justifiable idea of one’s death in accordance of own will (ikchacha mrityu). Veer Savarkar and Vinobha Bhave are the well-known examples of the person choosing to end their lives by refusing the consumption of all-nutrition. Even Mahatma Gandhi supported this notion. Mythology says Lord Rama […]

Pages: 2 Words: 683

Comparison and Contrast of Mohandas Gandhi and Malcolm X

Mohandas Gandhi and Malcolm X were both strong activists for social rights. They led in similar yet different fashions. These men both used their beliefs in religion to create change in the world. The well-known Mahatma Gandhi and Malcolm X left behind legacies that still have an impact on the world today. One of the […]

Pages: 2 Words: 687