Eliminating The Causes of Racial Segregation As a Way to Globalize Society

“It’s no disgrace to be black, but it’s often very inconvenient,” said James Johnson. Racism has existed been in the United States even before its formation and continued to grow unchecked for over a hundred years later. Legal privileges were given to white Americans, while privileges were denied to all other races in a system that resembled a classical caste society rather than a modern democracy. Today’s racism is embedded in people’s culture and worldviews which makes it easy to accept it as normal. A person’s race affects the choice of place of living, professions, school choices, ways of interactions with people, and treatment people from different than the “white” race receive in the justice and healthcare systems. At times, peoples’ futures are decided by something innate. People have learnt how to understand and interpret racism. Certain aspects of race have been forced on people such as work ethic, intelligence, sexual behavior, aggression, birth rates and even business and practices. Steve Olson, the author of the book “Mapping Human History,” points out that the intermarriage is an example of culture mixing and relationships for the future of the world. The absence of race can positively affect the world. There are many examples in which race has influenced the way people accepts and see occurrences. Race is used as a tool sometimes to stir away from the reality. Although many people believe that lack of different races would homogenize the world, the absence of racial distinction would change the world and remove the intolerance and discrimination toward many from different ethnicities and/or physical features.

Fighting to remove racism helps the world to prosper economically. Economic inequality and poverty is mostly experienced within blacks and Hispanics, while white people from the working class receive the most “welfare.” In the thirteenth chapter of his book “Mapping Human History,” Olson posits: “Several ethnic groups occupy the lower end of socioeconomic scale, but one particular stands out…Native Hawaiians have the lowest income and highest unemployment rates of any ethnic group” (306). Olson keeps his focus on the Hawaiians, but it is applicable to any ethnic group. Moreover, eliminating the barrier between racial groups brings about economic change for the world. Studies show that removing pay gap among racial groups would result, for example, the United States to become fourteen percent richer. During the Civil Rights Movements times, African American made economic prosperities which was beneficial for everyone.

With the closure of racial achievement gaps, students come out more prepared to participate in globalized and increasingly diverse economy. Segregation is a part of the school system. Further, the funding gaps between generally white wealthy school districts, and poor black school districts are shocking. Students and communities experience negative consequences because of segregation. Contrastingly, integration brings benefits to societies. Experiencing diversity pushes children to work harder, which also adds to growth in decrease in prejudice and increase in diversity. Students in integrated classrooms are more likely to receive better test results with a better chance to enroll in university. In “The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples” Olson stats that “tourism produces mostly low-paying jobs in sales, service and construction…so people have few opportunities to move up career ladder” (306). There low paying jobs are meant for the “lower-class” people. Therefore, integrating children from early age birng better qualified and smarter employees to the economic fore.

Similarly, race in the United Stated criminal justice system is forwarded more towards blacks and Hispanics. Black or Hispanic drivers are more likely to be pulled over and get their car searched. Black Americans are also more likely to be offered a plea deal which includes jail time. Olson again mentions that “ethnic groups from the lower end of the socioeconomical scale…[are] the most likely to get incarcerated” (306). On the contrary, in 1995 the O.J. Simson trial became a symbol of a racial division. The author Earl Ofari supports this claim: “OJ will always, till the end of time, be a symbol not only of racial division and polarization but of how the justice system deals with African Americans. He’s an eternal symbol.” Removing racial distinctions could lead to fair judgment. In the O.J. Simpson case it did not matter if he killed his wife or not. The not guilty verdict, also the consequent celebration was national call out for misery from all black societies. The O.J. Simpson case represented the entirety of the misconduct for black people in the entire criminal justice system. The defendant in this case was determined from the beginning because of O.J.’ s race. Making the race unknown to judges and jury could lead to more fair trials.

Further, after an African American is determined as a felon their voting right is taken which is in contrast with the democracy that allows every person to vote. Voter suppression laws target people of color even though older people, university students and poor people from any races are affected. Many American states make it difficult for former convicts to give their vote. Sometimes former convicts are also not allowed to buy a house, serve on a jury or get a job. Although African American communities are struck the most, only a third of 1.7 million former criminals who are not allowed to vote are black. The entire country loses voices who are not heard. The restoration of the Voting Rights Act encourages removing all limitations to voting, while persisting on every person’s right to a second chance.

On the other hand, many people argue that wiping out all races in the world would homogenize it. It is believed that people of different cultural and racial backgrounds could learn to value every person’s uniqueness. This cultural and racial appreciation allows for maintaining the identity of a certain group and freeing them from conflicts and discrimination. However, America is an example that people from different races most of the time cannot respect and coexist with people of another skin color. Additionally, many people say that multi-racial societies offer much to the culture but homogenizing the Earth population would bring equality to all, because people are not going to be thought less of because of their skin color. A research shows that social diversity in a group could cause difficult interaction, discomfort, interpersonal conflicts, less communication and cohesion and disrespect.

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Eliminating The Causes of Racial Segregation As a Way to Globalize Society. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved March 26, 2025 , from

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