Effects of Early Parenting in The Adolescent


A worth life living comes from the individual’s own perspective of how the set of minor and major goals are achieved. It defines how people are contented with great satisfaction of what they had done to life.

Success may varied like to the set of standards or culture that the life-bearer where lives. The mind-set of the environment may also set the achievement standards of the individual in the same direction of point of view. But, how come does the society of the environment set standards to the individual that are not so common to the usual things or to the moral standards that they see in life every day. It may affect the others to the proposition and judgement that the individual founded by itself goals.

Moral Ethics that set the environment and culture from what is good and what is bad may be schematic to the society’s view. What if the unfamiliar doings of the individual are not inclined to the behaviour of the society’s way of living? Is it automatically considered as an evil in the reality? Not merely based from the mind of the people but of absolute true knowledge that existing to the world, at the same of the vice versa.

In the issue of the women who bears pregnancy in the period of their adolescent development whether it is accepted to the norms and conduct of the certain society where the subject lives or not. How each individual may perceive from it? How the bearer handles this kind of situation to this world and how they are coping of it.

Being a parent is not so easy job and the responsibility is at the highest level of entire individual’s life. It will surely last until of the parents’ last breath. Taking care of the child and

The proper way of being a parent is a big challenge to every new one. Furthermore, the main point of pressure is there in the welfare of the child and its wellness.

How about if the parent is actually the one who needs the care, welfare and wellness? How can the parent do well the responsibility if the parent is actually not overall fully developed? Various explanations may be discussed and questions to be answered. In this research tackles another point of view of being a parent during the human’s early existence of life in their respective areas where the respondents lives. Adolescent period while being a parent may effects the development of individual’s physical, intellectual, societal and emotional, it needs to subject to research with.

Statement of the Problem

This research is sought to determine the effects of early parenting in adolescent development. More especially, what are the problems they have encountered in early parenting and how they will survive?

With these in mind the purpose of this research is to help the readers understand the endeavour experienced by early parenting. ;

The research will ask the following question:

  1. What is the profile of the respondents base on their: age, number of child?
  2. What are the experiences in early parenting?
  3. What will be the effect of early parenting in their life?
  4. What has helped them most in their situation?
  5. What are the benefits of this research?

Scope and limitations

This study covered 10 persons in Calaca,Batangas who become an early parent. The study was mainly focussed on the effect or the problems and the challenges they have encountered in early parenting. This adolescent parent was classified as the residence of Calaca, Batangas that have a child in the age of 14 and above.

Significance of the study

The result of the research will then be beneficial to the following persons:

Students- They will gain deeper understanding about the reality of the student mothers and most importantly for them to learn about the experiences of student mothers.

Student Mother – they could gain instant insight about their situation and be aware of their responsibilities as both parent and student.

Researchers – they will broaden their knowledge about the experiences of student mother.

Review of related literature

Medical and nonmedical studies of teenage pregnancy and its outcomes are reviewed, and the state of our current knowledge is assessed. It is suggested that, while the typical teenage girl is biologically ready for motherhood, a complex set of social and psychological variables leads those least well-suited for the role into becoming teenage parents. The effectiveness of special programs for pregnant adolescents and their offspring is examined, and implications for policy and prevention are offered. PIP Literature on teenage pregnancy and motherhood was reviewed. Studies indicated that the incidence of teenage pregnancy in the U.S. was high and that it was continually increasing. Recent medical studies revealed that teenage pregnancy was associated with a high rate of complications only if prenatal care and maternal diet were inadequate and if the mother was less than 15 years of age. Investigators who have attempted to identify the typical high pregnancy risk teenager have been unable to do so. Approximately 1/3 of all teenage pregnancies were terminated by abortion. Teenagers who had abortions tended to have higher educational and career goals and came from higher socioeconomic classes than teenagers who choose to continue their pregnancies. Teenagers who continued their pregnancies tended to come from less supportive families. Many teenagers failed to use contraception because they thought it would appear as if they were planning to engage in sexual behavior. A large proportion of teenage males displayed little interest in providing pregnancy protection for their girlfriends and assumed it was the girls problem if she became pregnant. Early child bearing tended to reduce educational and job opportunities for most girls. Teenage girls were less likely to give up their babies for adoption than in the past. Children raised by teenage mothers, compared to those raised by adults, tended:

  1.  to have a higher risk of child abuse
  2. to develop at a slower rate both mentally and physically.

Program and policy implications of these findings were:

  1. sex education should be introduced at an earlier grade level;
  2. small discussion group teaching techniques should be used;
  3. parenting techniques should be taught in sex education programs;
  4. contraceptives should be made more readily available to teenagers;
  5. male teenagers should be encouraged to play a more active role in contraception;
  6. funding of preventive an intervention programs must be increased.


In this chapter, the method and procedures that were used are presented. It involves the research design, the population and sampling of the respondents, subject of the study, and description of research instrument that will lead to the validity of the study.

Research Design

In this study a qualitative exploratory design was used, allowing the researchers to get an in-depth understanding of the effects of early parenting in adolescent development in the municipalities of Calaca,Batangas faced by Qualitative research has the advantage of uncovering the lived experiences of individuals by enabling them to interpret and attribute meaning to their experiences.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the residence of CalacaBatangas who are now an early parent that have a child in the age of 14and above . There were a number of ten (10) identified early parents of CalacaBatangas who volunteered and provided time to participate in this study.

Research Instrument

The primary tool used in gathering data was in a form of a one-on-one interview with the respondents. The interview was focused on the challenges, effects,and realizations of early parent.

Sampling Procedure

In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling in which the researcher chose only an early parent who are caring for a child in the age of 14 and above, and are residence of CalacaBatangas.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to data gathering, the researcher prepared an informed consent letter to be given to the respondents of the study, voluntary participation was highly emphasized in the letter of consent.

The data-gathering procedure was done in a form of one-to-one interview in which the researcher took written notes.. The interviews were informal and open ended, and carried out in a conversational style.


Raising a healthy and happy child can be one of the major challenging parts even in the most prepared parents. And unfortunately, adolescent who become parents often have a shortage of key life skills and other resources that are vital to the parenting process. Children have less likely to ever reach their full potential if they are born to teen parents.

A study showed that, early parenting may have effects in child and their development. Teen parenting is likely to hinder a child’s social and emotional wellbeing. A child may have more difficulty obtaining intellectual like self- control and self- confidence. Adolescent mothers are less likely engage in emotionally and responsive parenting compared to those old mother. They may not mature enough to know different parenting styles. Their knowledge on raising one child and its development may not enough to be their parenting effective. And may often underestimate their child ability to adapt and learn.

During teenage years ones are acquiring life skills and ability to solve a problem that prepare us to cope, cross and oppose challenges and as a result one can learned to solve a problem and use an effective coping strategies and think through important decisions. It’s not hard to see how these qualities lead to more effective parenting. A child who came to adolescent mother may adapt and repeat this behaviour.


It is important that the children know the effects of early parenting in the adolescent development for them to be aware. To the children, a child may have intellectual like self- control and self- confidence and must engage in emotionally and responsive parenting. They must know different parenting styles and they must have enough knowledge on raising their child and their development to be their parenting effective.

To the mothers, the researchers recommend that they must guide their children in their development. They must teach and guide their children on how to handle this situation. And for their children to avoid involving in this early parenting they must protect their children and observe and control their behavior in a way that they will discipline.

To the future researchers, since this study only covered few factors, it is recommended that they add some more to improve the result of the study. Furthermore, the facts and the result of this study can be used as their guide in conducting a study related to the present one.

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Effects of Early Parenting in The Adolescent. (2021, Apr 08). Retrieved March 25, 2025 , from

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