As time passes humans like to think they evolve and change according to new tendencies and new technologies, which we do we learn new things we make new things but we don’t change as much as we like to think we do. There’s always a recurring problem and there’s always someone there to take advantage of the moment and to use the frustration, anger, and ignorance of the people. I will be comparing Maximilien Robespierre and Fidel Castro. Both very “successful” leaders with many years of difference in both of their causes but yet very similar in their approach to the cause. Both men fighting to end corruption Robespierre with backed by the Jacobins and Castro by his guerilla. In 1953 Castro began to organize his rebel force to attack Batista who was the current president. Although his first attempt was a failure and ended up with most of his men dead and himself imprisoned Castro was released in 1955 left to Mexico and continued his battle against Batista. He succeeded in 1959 beating an army of 30,000 men with only 800 guerillas. Castro became very popular among the Cuban common man, the poor and those wanted change and opportunity. But of course, once in power it all became more radical and Cuba became communist. Cuba became the first communist country in the Western Hemisphere which raddled the world especially the United States who at the time was fighting hard against communism. Castro’s party controlled all aspects of Cuba’s political, economic and cultural life. Anybody or anything that seemed to be in opposition was suppressed.
Like Robespierre, Castro took leadership of a movement to over throw the heads of state for Castro it was the president and for Robespierre it was the King. Robespierre like Castro was followed by the common French man, the poor, the working class those who had been treated and wanted a voice. Robespierre was seen by many as a dictator and by himself as well, as he noted in his diary that “what was needed was one single will”. Using the reign terror, he made sure he had control on all aspects of France, , and . Robespierre was a man who wanted to fight against the inequalities of wealth and find more ways to help the poor and to help them grow. At the time of his movement the French people were dying of starvation while the king and queen lived lavish lifestyles full of luxuries and excessive wealth. The main source of food for the French was bread and at some point, even that was gone, it became crazy expensive and people were killing each other for a loaf of bread. Robespierre “the incorruptible” saw a nation in need of leadership and stepped up, many people think of him as a revolutionary others think of him as a madman. Like Castro Robespierre banned anything that went against his beliefs both in the paper as well as killing any political opponents by using the infamous guillotine. Anyone who spoke against the revolution in France or who even said the slightest negative remark was punished, like Castro who had government informants in every block of Cuba overhearing conversations to make sure there were not threats. Besides having similar educational backgrounds what is most similar about these two men is that they both knew when and how to act at the correct moment. They took advantage of the desperation of people who wanted a leader to follow, who wanted change and reform and used them to feed their causes. It was obvious that when the people saw confident men emerge and push for the idea of better nations they followed. Castro was a very charismatic leader who was always seen in military portraying strength and authority. Robespierre was a practicing lawyer to his pro was intellectuality and logic. Both men of the people and supported by the poor.
Where both men go wrong is in their thirst for power and control. Once in control I do not know if the power is so much that it becomes overwhelming and they forget about the main reason why they fought to begin with which is a better government for the people or if they let’s say “love” their nations, people, and cause so much that they are willing to go to the extremes in order to maintain control. Kind of like a parent with a child, it is said sometimes you love your kids so much you want to do everything for them not knowing you are actually hurting them. Both became paranoid and did the most to make sure everyone followed what they said. The biggest difference is that Castro was more successful than Robespierre, Castro stays in control till the day he dies and Robespierre is killed by his own people through the use of the guillotine. In the attempt for a better Cuba and for a better France they both end up hurting their countries by nationalizing and by creating fear among their citizens. As I stated in the beginning of my paper humans don’t change there is always a problem, a cause, and someone willing to do anything to change it. There is always corrupt governments who are desperate need of change and it takes long for the people to do something about it but when they do a revolution is born. The United States had their backyard neighbors allied with their biggest enemies and that caused outrage. Robespierre threw out a monarchy of decades and behead the king and queen, in a time when there was no higher power than the monarchy. The French Revolution is said to be one of the most important events of all history. They replaced previous bad leaders and proved to be as bad or even worst.
Comparison of The Figures of Robespierre (Great French Revolution) and Castro. (2022, Sep 29).
Retrieved February 25, 2025 , from
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