Chasing Reputation in Othello

Gradually, the deceptive Iago must consistently be conscientious in his approach towards at last obtaining a unique eminence, and at last implementing the belief of anguished actions. He takes so much pride in protecting his individual identity as a method for pain that once a secondary character named Roderigo discovers the true purpose of the evil Iago, Iago ends the existence of Roderigo. Particularly, Michael Cassio also desires for others to perceive him as dignitary. Cassio melancholy reckons with a key representation of himself after the altercation with Roderigo as well.

A multitude of individuals who he shares a close bond with will now view him as vulnerable and intoxicating. The internal struggles of trying to maintain his reputation result in a loss and that leads to Othello stripping away the honor that Iago planned to gain completely back with his lieutenant position. Othello states that he has a great amount of gratitude and love for Cassio, nevertheless he can “nevermore be officer” (II.iii,265). Cassio puts up a large amount of frustration and desolation due to the dimunation of the lieutenant job. Cassio moans in agony over the fact that his perception of immortality that he strongly believed is now in astray. He begins to lose self control as he repeatedly says his reputation and the immortal part of his spirit have been altered beyond imagination. Based on the evidence provided in, “U and Non-U: Class and Discourse Level in Othello”, Scolar Press describes Cassio’s immediate responsibilities along with natural talents and how this may one day lead to him succeeding Othello in his superiority.

However, Othello does not undertake the confidentiality they once shared since he has completely lost respect for Cassio. The ordeal parallels significantly in comparison to how the relationship between the two of them may show indistinguishable hatred far beyond the lieutenant position.

Astonishingly, Othello preserves a remarkably consistent prestige for the majority of the play, but suffers when he unthinkably considers Iago’s rhetoric that Cassio and Desdemona are at last enamoured. The shocking transition of behavior gives rise to a rejoinder from several characters. Shortly after, the Moorish general wrongfully engages in physical contact with Desdemona. Lodovico, the spectator of this battle, is truly disappointed with Othello by this altercation because of his former visions of Othello’s warm-heartedness and relatively subtle spirit. Following the altercation, Lodovico gives his opinion on the situation by exclaiming to Othello, “Oh, please god save you my lord”(IV.i,237)(Tragedy of Othello).

In addition to their battle, he resents when he receives updates from Iago that the love of his life Desdemona is with Michael. By his own stature, he holds an abundance of power, so hearing the news of Desdemona’s adultery leaves a stain on his pride and his motivation rises to preserve his reputation. In time, this resorts to the death of Desdemona. The three men work their entire lives to achieve an image of someone with a sustained level of self-dignity. Iago hopes to take advantage of reputation as the basis for emotional cruelty and tampering, yet Cassio and Othello desire unusual forms of identity for individual pleasure.

The characters start to become so desperate that they begin to lose who they truly are and those internal constrictions of battling demons results in fatality. Iago initially is known for showing a great deal of honesty and had the ability to use this as a symbol to sadly make those closest to him suffer. Comparably, Michael discloses his hopelessness after his career of being a lieutenant was finished. Cassio’s mindset involved having others see him as highly intelligent and loyal, and having aspirations of regaining his reputation. Uncritically, believing the mastermind Iago showed more regret for Cassio than gratitude.

As well as the other primary characters, Othello is seen by those as possessing a superb identity, however once accusations come to light, Othello goes psychotically insane and his behavior begins to not resemble the character of a great leader. Chasing an outstanding reputation can gradually prove to be problematic to individuals, resulting in their unexpected death, and must not be the solitary purpose of living an exceptional life.

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Chasing Reputation in Othello. (2021, Jun 21). Retrieved March 30, 2025 , from

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