All companies have a brand, and in a way, a brand is a promise. When customers purchase goods or services, they expect the company to maintain their promise, whatever that may be. In this day and age, customers are becoming savvier of what their favorite companies are up to and where they’re obtaining their products. Blockchain can help companies keep this promise.
Single-origin products are those that have been produced within a single known geographic origin. Modern consumers prefer single-origin products based on a number of reasons. First, when products are single-origin, they’re higher quality and consumers are able to easier find out if the products are ethical or not. Additionally, buying single-origin products helps create more jobs, ensure sustainability and grow communities.
Offering a single-origin product requires a lot of transparency, which is in fact one of the underlying principles of the blockchain technology.
Provenance platform uses both blockchain and open data to obtain information to validate and share a company’s authenticity. Provenance’s mission is to use the power of purchasing to make real change in the world. The platform offers services to the consumer, businesses and partners. Consumers are offered to learn more about the products they purchase. For the businesses, they’re offered the opportunity to share their story and tell the consumer more information about the products they’re offering. As for the partners, Provenance offers them the opportunity to reinforce the work they’ve been doing by working with their platform.
Another company that uses blockchain technology to show single-origin product information is OriginTrail. The company looks for supply chain data through the lense of fragmentation, centralization, and data protection.
The popularity has increased throughout the last few years around single-origin coffee. Gone are the days where most people will accept the generic store brand. People want coffee beans from one location and harvested a certain way. However, the definition of “single-origin” has become slightly loose and skewed over the last few years, too. It could mean from a specific region or a specific plant on a specific farm in a specific location. It all depends on who is selling it and how they’re marketing it. This is where blockchain comes into play and can provide additional transparency on where consumers are purchasing their coffee beans.
Onda Origins uses the blockchain ledger to track and trace their famers’ coffee from the moment the coffee beans are planted to the point of sale. Their blockchain ledger gives information such as the name of the farmer, the specific origin, variety, process, tasting notes, farmer information and powering. Their goal is to eventually close the disparity in the coffee industry because since the 1980s, the price of coffee in a cup has gone up 500 percent, however, the coffee bean farmers are still getting paid the same wage as 30 years ago.
The beauty industry is notorious for hiding chemicals in beauty products, and in 2019, people are becoming more aware and concerned about what they’re putting in and on their bodies. Blockchain’s transparency is the perfect technology for beauty product consumers to use to find out what exactly is going into their everyday care products.
TE-FOOD is offering a solution to this current demand. The platform uses blockchain to track products that are used in food and other industries from farm to table while making sure the information is transparent. The platform uses data such as showing the cost and identification of the products used.
User experience (UX) is how the customer is experiencing a website, platform, app, etc. The better and more positive the experience, the better the UX is; however, the more difficult and challenging the software is, the worst the UX is. Many brands take UX for granted, which make their brand suffer.
JOLYY is an online booking platform for the beauty industry. The platform uses blockchain and peer-to-peer (P2P) technology for faster and more secure payments. JOLYY is for beauty product consumers to cosmetic product representatives. JOLYY will make the payment process faster and the P2P technology will make it more secure, which means beauty product consumers won’t have to worry about their credit card information being stolen or worrying about long wait times on the website.
Ormeus Cash (OMC) and COTI have released a point of sale (POS) system which will allow merchants across the globe to accept cryptocurrency as payment for their products. The POS system works by validating and confirming crypto transactions faster than other traditional methods. The traditional and current POS blockchain systems often face slow transaction times because they reliant on miners to confirm the aforementioned transactions. Miners confirming these transactions come at a cost: high fees. The POS uses learned data to validate and confirm information and data, thus eliminating the use of miners. The POS system will allow for faster check out and create a more streamlined process for the consumer, which will increase the positivity for the UX part of the website.
MediChain was founded in 2017 and their platform uses blockchain software to allow patients to securely store and access their own medical data. MediChain’s software also allows doctors to access patients’ files regardless of location. Having access to your medical data regardless of location could be the matter between life or death. If you’re traveling in a different country or even a different continent and something happens to you, having access to your medical records could help the doctors make decisions to potentially save your life.
Keeping and maintaining a brand, a promise to the consumer is important, but how a company does it is also important. Companies who have turned to blockchain technology to keep their promises offer transparency, something that many other companies can say. How will you keep your brand’s promise?
Blockchain Help Companies Keep Their Brand Promise. (2022, Dec 04).
Retrieved March 27, 2025 , from
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