Are The Minimum Wages in The United States Too Low?

The lowest pay (minimum wage) permitted by law increments was of utmost concem to Americans when questioning the presidential candidates earlier this year. These issues still have not progressed, and little has been done to endeavor to settle these treacheries. The lowest pay permitted by law ought to be a reasonable wage, nonetheless, in many states, it absolutely isn’t. 1 trust that these wages surely are expected for an expansion. However, many individuals trust that such increments will influence the economy and business’s. Although, this is not factual. I mean certainly to some extent, yet even thusly, the organization’s see little to no adjustment in making this stride. I trust that the time has come to bring the lowest pay permitted by law up in all conditions of the United States.

The enactment of a minimum wage was created to enable people to live. Although, this may have been capable years ago, il no longer holds thie, I’m not claiming that these persons should be paid wages to satisfy desires of life, but it should provide the individual with means to provide themselves with shelter, food, and clothing. The monthly payment, after taxes does not allow this. The average person is unfamiliar with how these laws began. According to Neumark and Wascher:”A federal minimum wage was first implemented by the United States with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which now covers more than 90% of all workers” (Neumark & Wascher, 1992. p. 1). Each state is responsible for setting these amounts, however, the federal government claims that these wages must be at least $7.25 per hour.

One popular reasoning the other side holds is that these jobs were specifically designed for starter jobs for younger generations. And that these jobs are not meant to support life, despite, the fact that these wages were designed to allocate the capacity to live. Not to mention, that nearly 90% of the available jobs fall under association with the minimum wage. According to Chinkook and O’Roak: “Based on the Bureau of Labor statistics (BLS) Occupational employ force into seven occupational divisions eating and drinking places have a large share of workers (83 percent) in the service occupation” (Chinkook, O’Roak, 1999, p. 1). This argument is inconsistent, since 90% of jobs are in fields that pay minimum wages.

Another noteworthy rebuttal to the argument above, includes the ideas that America holds the highest number of teen pregnancy in the world. Therefore, many teen parents are working and receiving minimum wages (Bullinger, 2017, p. 1). Often, parents are expected to support their teen children, however, this is not always the case. Parents become infuriated that their young child has placed themselves in these situations, and either kick the child from the house or make the child accountable for expenses. These wages do not allocate a teen to take care of themselves, let alone a child. Everyone makes mistakes, and society should not blame teens for such, rather encourage the promotion of birth controls to these young people. Minimum wages no longer support basic living, and therefore entrap many people in a flawed system.

Poverty occurs nationally, however, most people do not associate it with the United States. Although, many people in this country fall below the implemented poverty lines. Many people believe that increasing these wages would end poverty in America, however, this is not true. Due to the many complexities and so forth of this system. These increases, would, however, be a great start.

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Are The Minimum Wages in The United States Too Low?. (2022, Oct 01). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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