Animal Testing Saves The Lives of People

Let’s pretend that someone you know and adore is dying right now. The cause of death would be because the person is ill with no known cure. Whether the illness is something as simple as the measles or small poxs, or a much more complicated disease such as cancer, that person is about to be gone forever. A solution to potentially prevent illnesses from killing human beings would be animal testing. As cruel as it sounds, animal testing allows humans to find lifesaving treatment and cures, because unless we test humans, there are no other better alternatives for testing products on a living system. Also keeping in consideration that some animals share ninety-nine percent of similar DNA with humans, and the fact that it is also a highly regulated process, animal testing should be allowed. Animal testing is an essential part of human survival, therefore it should be allowed in order to ensure human survival.

According to California’s Biomedical Research Association, almost every single medical breakthrough was made as a result from animal testing (CA-BioMed). For example, from animal testing we have discovered medicines for commonly prescribed FDA-approved medicines such as painkillers, asthma, high cholesterol, type one and type two diabetes, and ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Through the use of animal testing, we also have a much more advanced understanding of the human body. Some advancements would include being much more knowledge about: brain injury, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, and various types of cancer (Corey). According to Carl Cohen, a professor at the University of Michigan, “All this and much more could not have been done without the use of animals in the key experiments…Experiments using animals are not merely helpful; they were and remain a necessary condition for most critical advances in protecting human health” (Cohen). Animal testing has also allowed us to safely use simple everyday products which include: make-up, shampoo, body wash, lotion, perfume, and much more. The Partners in Research, a Canadian national charity used to help inform and educate the public, says “Before animal testing, humans served as the first test subjects for new drugs; because of multiple accidents…” (Poste).

As much as animal testing has benefitted to a better understanding of the human body, it is also the most effective testing we can possibly do. Both the human body and animal body have a very unique and complex body system. Although an animal’s body system is not exactly alike to a human’s body system, animals such as chimpanzees share ninety ninety percent of their DNA with humans. According to George Poste, a veterinarian and director at the BioDesign Institute at Arizona State University, “Alternative testing cannot replace animal experimentation. When animal extremists suggest otherwise, they are 1) being dishonest, and 2) preying on the general public’s discomfort with animal experimentation” (Poste). Governments routinely require that new drugs be tested on animals before they are marketed. Furthermore, replacement tests like computer simulations cannot reproduce the complexity of human genetics.” Some alternatives for animal testings would be experiments such as, computer simulations, mannequins, and vitro technique where the cells and tissues in culture are being studied using a scientific microscope. However these solutions are not as effective as animal testing, which could result in ineffective results or even possible negative side effects. It also would not be ethical to test medical treatments, and products on human beings ourselves. According, it would be unethical to perform experimental procedures for humans. Such experiments could result in permanent damage to the human body. (SpeakofResearch). In addition to a better understanding of the human body, animal testing gives a better understanding of the animal’s body as well. Animal testing has even saved endangered species like the black footed ferret, and the California condor (Wright).

Since animal testing is so controversial, it is a highly regulated process in order to prevent as much mistreatments to animals as possible There are many local and state laws which protect animals that are being tested, to prevent mistreatment if there are any. These laws are regulated by the federal Animal Welfare Act which started in the year 1966 (Animal Welfare Act). Some laws that the federal Animal Welfare Act regulate would be to have minimum housing standards for the animals which would include: temperature, access to clean food and water, and the space the animal is kept in. Another law would be that every experiment must be approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, before being conducted and performed (Animal Welfare Act). Each approval proceed would be set up differently depending on the research facility. Humane treatment to the tested animals are enforced by the facility. Most of the research institutions are reviews typical by Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International. Animal researchers are also forced to treat tested animals in a humane matter, because it ensures test results that would be reliable. Nature Genetics informs that, “As stressed or crowded animals produce unreliable research results, and many phenotypes are only accessible in contented animals in enriched environments, it is in the best interests of the researchers not to cut corners or to neglect welfare issues. The animals, too, have their own interests, and these must be taken into account when experimenting upon them.” (Animal Research).

Many people will argue against animal testing for many different reasons. The most important reason why people are against animal testing would be because it is considered cruel and inhumane. However, a great amount of effect has been put in order to make the process for the animals as humane and gentle as possible. There are also no better alternative to animal testing. Another reason for being against animal testing, would be that animal tests do not accurately predict results that would happen in human beings. Even though not all tests have the same effect and impact on humans as animals, at least researchers and scientist will have a better understanding by using animal testing. Another popular reason why people believe animal testing should not be allowed, is because medical breakthroughs have still been discovered without any animal research or testing. Regardless of the medical breakthroughs, animal testing allows us to find medical breakthroughs much faster than without the use of animal testing. Animal testing has both many different pros and cons. However, the benefits of animal testing truly outweigh the harm. By using animal testing, we ensure a much better chance of survival for human beings. Adding to that, the use of animal testing has allowed us to discover many different medical breakthroughs about both the human and animal body systems without harming humans, while also highly regulating the process to test on animals. Without medical testing, many illnesses could be left untreated. As a result, it could cause large amounts of unknown deaths, potentially to someone you know as well. By allowing animal testing, we can save millions of human beings.

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Animal Testing Saves The Lives of People. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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