Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program


This program prevention will discuss the needs, reoccurring problems as well and additional information on alcohol abuse within the college age range. The program will analyze cost, tasks and services that are provided. The definition of the problem is that alcohol abuse is the main substance abuse among college students and the most common prevention awareness that majority of colleges and universities use are shown to be ineffective. The most common approach to educating students is through the implementation of basic awareness and education program (Mastroleo & Logan, 2014). As stated in the journal, this is the type of prevention that is being conducted on most college campuses is typically delivered at orientation sessions for new students; alcohol awareness weeks and other special events; and, in some instances, instructors infusing alcohol related facts and issues into regular academic courses (Mastroleo & Logan, 2013). Social environment and underage drinking are some of the common issues of alcohol abuse.

This program is designed to provide supporting services while maintaining a comfortable and soothe setting. The values of the program are Commitment, Integrity, Awareness, Respect, Perseverance. Program Rationale The main reason for why this program is needed is because it focuses on the mental health and recovery of young adults as well as providing additional stratagem. Alcohol within the college community is very common. “Symptoms of depression are also common among college students and may cause problems that is associated with heavy drinking, but furthermore depressive symptoms may also predict other elements of risk among heavy drinkers, such as sexual assult trauma and etc. which can include greater experience of substance-related reinforcement” (Acuff, et al.,2018).

According this recent survey about 68 percent of students experienced a problem with alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, or problematic drinking-an alarming high rate. “20 percent of students who had been diagnosed or treated for a mental health or substance use condition in the past year, the most common conditions were depression, anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD” (Pedrelli, et at., 2015). Research Basis for Program Design The program type provides services with in community and evidence-based treatment. The reasons on why community-based treatment was chosen is because “it actively involves local organizations, community members and targets the population in an establishment of an integrated network of community-based services that is empowering and influential” (Dolly, 2010).

In chapter one of the book, Program development and grant writing in occupational therapy: Making the connection. “It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research” (Sackett D, 1996). “Evidence-based treatment means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research” (Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice, 2018). In other words, it is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision-making process for patient care. With community and evidence-based treatment patients can develop skills to manage their addiction they are also able to bring their own personal preferences and unique concerns, expectations, and values. Within the prevention program modified dynamic group therapy versus other forms of group therapy was chosen because “it focuses on self-regulation and resulting difficulties/ issues of characteristics” ( Brook, 2003). Another type of group therapy that was chosen was psychoeducational group therapy. It focuses on educating clients about their disorders and discuss different ways of coping.

This type of group therapy provides a good way to introduce educational resources within the program that targets raising self-awareness and awareness in general about alcohol abuse and the mental health issues coincide with drinking. Individual Cognitive behavioral therapy was chosen because it not only is commonly used when treating substance abuse clients, but “it helps teaches people to confront their fears, learn healthier ways to cope, and to become aware and change the way they think” (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 2018). Program Description The program will be in a neutral area where college students on campus and off campus are able to access these services. The population that this program services is college students ages from 18-25.

The program will provide services for Group/Individual counseling and educational resources. Also, the needs that will be addressed are mental health issues such as childhood trauma, social anxiety, identity development, or other issues that result in depression rather than be due to having a hard time adapting to changes, having low self-esteem and little confidence or feelings of lacking-purpose. The first part of our program, will discuss the problems that students face and then create better solutions to reduce the different types of alcohol abuse. The second part of the planning will be to analyze our program and compare the negative and positive traits that other programs have faced such as what awareness approaches were shown to be ineffective versus approaches that shown to have potential. The third step of the program will be to develop a plan that help each student within the program to develop self-awareness as well as raising awareness around universities. This program will test the results by documenting and recording the progress, such as the positive and negative outcomes that this program has faced since operation.

Evaluation Plan

For the logic model the short-term outcomes will be to learn Awareness, skills, approaches, aspiration, viewpoints, and positive reactions. As for our long-term outcome conditionally impacting behavioral patterns, environment, social & economic design. For the input of this program, it will intend to provide certified counselors, appropriate staffing, collaboration with a mental health agency so that it will be less costly, and it will be more efficient with handling all resources given. The out-put of the program it will provided actives such as, social events, provide training for universities, and conduct educational gatherings for those wanting to learn about mental health and alcohol abuse.

This will be acknowledged and reached on all university campuses. Students, faculty, staff, and professors will be targeted and will be confronted by raising awareness, not only just the mental health issues but other risks and present reoccurring issues as well. This program is intended to bring about positive reactions, healthier coping skills and providing a safe place and comfortable place for students while also providing additional awareness among the whole college community. This program was designed to attract more students that struggle with alcohol abuse and mental health issues by creating theme that does not make students feel embarrassed or shamed but feel confident and willing to get the extra help that is needed.

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Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program. (2021, Apr 08). Retrieved March 10, 2025 , from

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