A View on The Othello'S Decisions in Othello

Killing, cursing, and hurting emotionally or physically are valid proofs of cruelty. In Shakespeare’s play Othello, Othello is an honest and justice general in the citizen’s view; however, Shakespeare depicts Othello as a perpetrator of evil since his jealousy and doubts drive him to smother his beloved Desdemona. This brutal crime illuminates the idea that personal envy inevitably leads to a recession in one’s intellect.

Human always hurt the people they love the most first in life. Desdemona receives savage behaviors from Othello throughout the whole play. After Othello decides to trust Iago, he begins attacking Desdemona with filthy words. A distinctive shift occurs that if Othello were a gentle and honest man, he would never show his disrespect to a woman at least not saying them in one’s back. Iago’s fake evidence encourages him to abuse Desdemona physically. Othello slaps Desdemona in front of her cousin and other nobilities. Finally, Othello releases his inner beast, which implies he is not a polite and an educated man. In fact, the abuse is a way to convince others that he doesn’t care about rules and even his own love. Usually people exhibit their best side to the nobles and their love whereas Othello displays his extremely evil side to Desdemona’s family in order to claim his authority. Such foolish action makes people cast more doubts on his crime and his position whether he is qualified to be a respectable general.

Othello’s cruel motivation derives from political factors and the major social aspects such as discrimination on the Moor. Under society’s pressure, like calling him “the Moor”,”thick lips”, and comparing him to animal, all above discriminations drive him crazy and cause him to act in inhumanity. Such long-term pressure explodes at the same time when Othello finds out “the affair”; he finally releases his inner dark side to the audience. Another aspect is about politics that it is hard to hold such highlevel occupation. Since Othello is not a noble born, he has to demonstrate his power and ability in order to prevent the White people’s mocking. If the others use his wife’s rumor as a weakness against him. Not only will his reputation be eliminated, but his power will reduce as well because a noble should not be bothered by fussy domestic things like arguing with his wife.

Othello in the entire play is surrounded by prejudice from the white people. Othello’s cruelty is derived from his prejudice towards Cassio and Desdemona. As a perpetrator, misrecognition reveals his shortcoming, which is having prejudice on others. Desdemona, as a victim, suffers cruelty all the time but forgives it, and displays an innocent and pure heart. Desdemona receives more wounds than Othello, however, she still forgives him and convinces herself not to blame on Othello. Her kindness provides Othello with opportunities to kill Desdemona. Two extreme comparisons of Desdemona and Othello’s responses to one’s misrecognition clearly explain that cruelty eventually leads to evilness.

Although Othello is considered a tragic hero, he does not deserve this title because he has never admitted his cruelty in public. Othello is a perpetrator since his jealousy drives him crazy. Killing Desdemona exposes the concept that personal misunderstanding eventually leads to a decline in one’s saneness.

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A View on The Othello'S Decisions in Othello. (2022, Sep 30). Retrieved October 18, 2024 , from

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