In the article “Obama Calls for Minimum Wage Rise and Equal Pay as Elections Approach” President Obama had a speech about raising minimum wages and equal pay for women in Milwaukee at a festival A.F.L-C.1.0. He said, “There is no denying the simple truth: America deserves a raise,” (NY Times) and giving executive order to federal contractors to raise minimum hourly wage $7.25 to $10.10 in 2015 February. (NY Times) However, there was a counter argument during his speech that if the minimum wage is raised, a number of jobs will be reduced, Mr. Obama stated that he will not wait until the federal government to raise minimum wages and more job opportunity. He said “By almost every measure, the American economy and American workers are better off than when I took office.” (NY Times) He highlighted that since he took office, nearly 10 million jobs has been added and the unemployment issue is improving better. (NY Times) lle gave an example of Kentucky State University president, own pay cut to raise his lowest-paid workers wages. He criticized the Republicans’ economic ideal. He showed himself he will use his power to oppose the congress especially economic issues. He asked the congress to catch up this President of Kentucky State University and 13 states. His speech was supportive because one of his main political plan was to rescue the United States economics from the crisis in 2008. He also praised American workers for banding together over the past century to achieve gains like the 40-hour workweek. (NY Times) The overall, the New York Times viewed this speech as political action for an upcoming midterm elections 2014
In the Labor Day, he spoke about wages and equal pay. This topic was relevant and attractive for the lowest paid workers. He wanted to raise about 3 dollars minimum wage. President Obama stated minimum wages and number of job opportunities are improving. He described these as progressive. During his speech, he opposed the Republican’s declination of labor issues. He gave some examples of role model such as President of Kentucky State University to compare Republicans and the congress’ attitude. He asked them to change for better U.S economy.
However, there was a criticism about Mr. Obama that he was not taking care of diplomatic issues such as Iraq and Ukraine issues. The US federalists condemned Mr. Obama’s diplomatic attitude. His speech in Milwaukee was to protect his diplomatic weakness and to prepare the 2014 midterm elections. The midterm elections 2014 is in November 4. The New York Times also viewed this speech as political action to win the midterm elections in November, because he implied changes to the congress especially Republicans. During the midterm elections, all the members of House of Representatives will be re-elected and one-third of the Senate members will be re-elected. For President Obama, he wants many Democrats politicians win the elections as possible because the congress power will be determined by a political party. It is important that which party has more seats to take over the congress According to the Washington Post, Republicans have a better chance to win the midterm elections 2014. If Democrats lose the midterm elections, MrObama will be suffered to communicate with a new congress. Therefore, he brought a domestic issue instead of diplomatic issue, the US economy problem. This is the most sensitive issue for American citizens so he can appeal himself and his political party. His speech was focused on lower-mid class citizens and women workers.
The last of all, his speech was brilliant and giving a hope for lower-mid class workers. The New York Times described him as optimistic about national economic recovery. His view of raising the minimum wage is very positive and energetic. He wanted to communicate with Americans but he’s opposing the federal government. More specifically he’s against Republicans. It is a great example of showing the separation of powers. However, President Obama is careless about diplomatic issues and he is passive when is he’s against the congress. Although he made an accomplishment of United States health care reforms, the economic problem is not fully recovered and it still need a reform. In order to change the U.S economy, President Obama has to support Democrats for the midterm elections and make a great compromise to one step ahead.
A Speech on Raising Minimum Wages and Equal Pay, and The Diplomatic Issues of Iraq and Ukraine. (2022, Oct 01).
Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from
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