A Short Summary of Antigone, a Play by Sophocles

The play Antigone begins with two sisters, Antigone and Ismene discussing their brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles’, most recent deaths. They both died in a war, and Antigone argues with Ismene because Eteocles was given a proper burial, while Polyneices was banned to be buried by anyone, a law that their uncle, Creon, had announced. Antigone wants to bury Polyneices, despite the fact that it’s against the law, and asks for Ismene’s help, but the sister denies.

King Creon announces to the town that Eteocles will be given a proper burial, however, Polyneices will not. Creon tells the crowd of people that it is now an official law: no one shall attempt to bury Polyneices. However, not much later, the Sentry reveals to Creon that someone has already buried Polyneices. King Creon is extremely angry, and tells the Sentry to find the person who buried Polyneices.

The Sentry brings Antigone to King Creon, after finding out that she was the person who buried Polyneices. Creon asks Antigone if she knew that it was against the law to bury her brother, and she tells him that indeed, she was aware. Soon, Ismene approaches Creon and Antigone, telling the both of them that she wants to die alongside her sister. However, Antigone disagrees to Ismene’s request, and says that both of them dying won’t lessen her death. Creon suspects Ismene of being involved with the burial, but Antigone interferes. Creon then sends the sisters off together, thinking of a proper punishment.

Haimon and Creon are having a conversation, and Haimon asks Creon if he loves or hates him for a particular decision he made. Haimon adds on, saying that his wisdom means more than marriage, and Creon is happy to hear those words. He then proceeds to say horrendous things about Antigone, thinking that she is evil. Later on, Haimon claims that Creon is extremely strong-willed, and mentions how the townspeople are afraid of him, not to mention, that they believe Antigone shouldn’t be punished. The priest tells the two that they should listen to each other, but Creon and Haimon start to argue. Nevertheless, Creon refuses to change his ways, and decides to still punish Antigone.

As Antigone is being escorted to her execution, she mentions how she is going to die unwed, and a virgin. The chorus tells Antigone that she is a honorable individual, mentioning how she didn’t die in war or from sickness. Antigone compares her death to Niobe, but the chorus insist that she will live a much happier life in heaven, however, Antigone thinks they’re mocking her. Antigone comes to the conclusion that Oedipus has cursed her, and blames that curse for her death, but the chorus tells her that it’s her own fault. Then, the guards lead her to the place that which she will die.

The blind prophet, Teiresias approaches Creon, along with a boy, strictly telling Creon that he stands on the edge of fate. Teiresias tells Creon that he received a sign from the heavens; earlier, a group of birds began fighting and attacking each other. Teiresias tells Creon that he must fix the evil deed that has been committed. Creon ignores this, refusing to change his prideful ways. Teiresias responses by threatening Creon, saying that he will be punished, and leaves, along with the boy. Creon then speaks to the priest, and decides not to tempt fate, by agreeing to free Antigone from her tomb.

The messenger reveals to Creon that Antigone has hung herself. Along with that, Haimon, out of grief, kills himself as well. Eurydice, the queen, and Creon’s wife, in absolute agony kills herself, whilst cursing Creon. Creon states that he wishes to die, but will let fate take him instead. He states that he takes responsibility for his actions, and hopes for an early death. The play ends with the chorus stating to the audience, that fate will always defeat pride.

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A Short Summary of Antigone, a Play by Sophocles. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved October 18, 2024 , from

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