A play Title “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen is a great example of how a husband treats or sees his wife because of the time he lives in. A Doll’s House is a famous play written in the 19th century. The main characters are Nora and her husband Torvald. At the beginning of the play, It seems as if they are a loving happy family. Torvald is a banker. Nora is working hard to keep her family happy by being the perfect wife and mother. Torvalds gets very sick. They do not have money for the treatment. Nora goes to a banker and takes out a loan to save her husband. In order to get the loan, she signs her dead father’s name on the loan. Which is against the law. The banker tries to blackmail Nora, causing her husband to find out. This is when Nora relieves there is no true love in her marriage. Nora makes a decagon to leave her husband and children to find herself. Does this raise the question is Torvalds a victim of nineteenth-century societal norms or was he a misogynist? I don’t feel Torvald dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
I think he was worried more about what people said about him and his family. Making him a victim of societal norms. Torvalds loves Nora, but he does not think she can think for herself. Torvald never asks Nora about her wants, wishes, or feelings. Torvald thinks he has to control Nora’s spending by telling her what she can and can’t buy. Torvald also calls his wife pet names such as his little skylark or little squirrel. At first, I feel Nora doesn’t mind the pet names “You haven’t any idea how many expenses we skylark, and squirrels have, Torvalds” (Ibsen 4). But as the play goes on, I feel Nora only answers to the names because she wanted to keep her husband happy at all times. The pet names Torvalds call Nora shows he only doing what society is normal for a wife. Torvalds sees Nora as a child. Like when Nora lies about Krogstad coming to the house “Didn’t you say that nobody had been here? [Threatens with his finger.] My little bird must never do that again! A songbird must sing clear and true; no false notes. [Puts his arm around her.] That’s so, isn’t it? Yes, I was sure of it. [Lets her go] And now we’ll say no more about it. [Sits down before the fire.] Oh, how cozy and quiet it is here”. He shows he sees her as a child and not his wife. When Torvalds learns about Nora’s action of forging their father’s name on a loan. He didn’t care what the reason was for her doing it he wanted to hide Nora. So, noon will know what she has done “HELMER. The thing is so incredible, I can’t grasp it. But we must come to an understanding.
Take that shawl off. Take it off, I say! I must try to pacify him in one way or another- the matter must be hushed up, cost what it may. – As for you and me, we must make no outward change in our way of life- no outward change, you understand. Of course, you will continue to live here. But the children cannot be left in your care. I dare not trust them to you. – Oh, to have to say this to one I have loved so tenderly- whom I still-! But that must be a thing of the past.
Henceforward there can be no question of happiness, but merely of saving the ruins, the shreds, the show. Torvalds cares more about people outside of his home his own wife. He was ready to throw her away. In conclusion, Torvalds is very much a victim of societal norms. For this reason, Nora left him and her kids. She realizes Torvalds never really knew her. He only saw her as his play doll “NORA. Yes, it is so, Torvalds. While I was at home with my father, he used to tell me all his opinions, and I held the same opinions. If I had others, I said nothing about them, because he wouldn’t have liked it. He used to call me his doll-child and played with me as I played with my dolls. He lost his wife because of his mindset.
A Husband’s Vision of His Wife in The Play “A Doll’s House”. (2022, Sep 28).
Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from
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