A Discussion About The Minimum Wage in The United States
Did you know that in 1968 the minimum wage was worth $10,96 of todays dollars, and the todays minimum wage is only $7.25. Unfortunately that is true. So Today, I would like to persuade federal policy makers to increase the minimum wage as a way to easy the economical gap in America. To do it so, I will talk about the problems that the current minimum wage has, and the benefits of raising the minimum wage, and give examples on how states that have raised their minimum wages are better off.
First I have stated before. According to a study run by the economic policy institute in 2014 who as led by Nabeel Alsalamet, in 1968 the minimum wage was worth $10,96 of todays dollars, however, the current minimum wage is only $7.25 dollars. Despite the fact that workers nowadays have more experience and skills than in 1968. Thus, there is a problem with our current minimum wage and the government should act to change it.
Another bad side of the current minimum wage is the fact that it not gives families their necessary means to escape poverty. According to another study led by the economic policy institute in 2014 led by David Cooper, the current minimum wage of $7.25 for families who works full time and does not earn enough to be above the poverty line.
A barrier against raising the minimum wage is the argument that people who earn it are teenagers. Ilowever, this is not true, studies have reveal that only three-quarters are less than 20 years, the rest are mostly families. Therefore, I do believe that the federal government should raise the minimum wage to at lest $10 an hour.
The minimum wage once represented hope for millions of American, when it was introduced was a solution for inequality and workers exploration, it was a shield against poverty. However, it is not applied today, There are many benefits on raising the minimum wage, for society and even for the government. According to a study from the congressional budget office in 2014, raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 would lift around 16.5 millions families above the poverty line. And higher wages cold increase household overall health Another barrier can be the argument that increasing the minimum wage is that it could lead to job losses a studies have sown that the new jobs created cloud be way greater than the losses and would have a positive impact on the economy.
The government could also benefit from raising the wages, it wages are raised less people would need social programs such as food stamps. Thus, the government could save the money and re-invest on more important issues such as health and education.
Government should raise the minimum wage, and around the country there are 13 states that are taking the first step and states that have raised the minimum wage are seeing more job growth than those who don’t. Companies such as Wal-Mart and Starbucks have already raise their wages as a way to benefit their workers. We need this kind of change through the all country; the federal government needs to pass the law that finally raises the wages for all so that the country can experience and social benefits.
So there is not much indirect plans to raise the minimum wage, the solution would be both. It’s of the government passing a law that makes mandatory on increasing the minimum wage in all states. Another way that the government could act is by giving incentives to business that act by themselves and raise the wage of their workers above the current minimum wage. In conclusion, I have talked why I do believe that the government should increase the minimum wage, to do it so I have talked about the problems of the current minimum wage and the benefits of raising it.
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